Something's cooking in women cycling

As a follow up on the real heroes story, and to respond to Ivan’s comment about “giving back” there is an interesting development in the cycling world that started a few weeks back and that needs attention from everyone: the idea of a team, and to a greater extent, women’s cycling being backed by cycling enthusiasts. I registered my interest with it almost as soon as it started, and so should you!


The sad truth is that women cycling isn’t as big as men’s cycling, and certainly not as big as recent London events may make it appear. Funding is scarce and riders can’t aspire to be the stars they deserve to be, within the sport itself, let alone in the media.

One person has a vision though, and it’s a darn good one! Stef Wyman, owner and manager of the Matrix FitnessPrendas cycling team started to spread a simple idea on , on his team’s website and on Twitter with the hastag #FanBackedWomensCycling: why not have fans help financially the running of women teams and why not women’s cycling. Stefan is very clear on the fact that this would not be the main income of any team, but would be the much needed lever to raise awareness of women’s cycling, and help attract much bigger financial support to it.

A month and a half ago, when I heard the news, I added my name to the list of pledgers (And offered my help as a developer, Stefan, that offer still stands) because this is a good cause, and I like the idea of being part of something big in a sport I love. Much needed these days I think!

Are you in?

You can read on the Matrix/Prendas website the key points about the Fan Backed Womens Cycling and follow Stef on Twitter @DS_Stef

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