Review of ISM Adamo Podium

A review I posted a long time ago on bikeradar that I always wanted to repost here: a fantastic saddle that looks funny but that you’ll love very quickly!

The problem with reviewing a saddle is that it’s always heavily skewed towards the tester’s body shape, and will definitely not be a fair test like you could do for a pair of wheels. As said in the article, do try (extensively) before you buy!

ISM PodiumISM Podium

I have an ISM adamo podium on my road bike and I love it! I also have a roadII on my TT, and my girlfriend who suffered horribly from saddle sore in the past now has a Century on her road bike.

Like for wheels, it’s important to test these in the conditions they are expected to be used.

From my own experience:

  • The RoadII is designed primarily for an agressive TT position. It does not always work and can be uncomfortable in an upright position. That’s why it’s on my TT and not on my road bike. That said, I do use it for hilly TTs and triathlons.
  • The podium took me a little to get used to, but now it’s perfect. However, it’s also designed for a fairly aggressive riding position (understand low on the bars, or on the drops), hence I’d reserve that for a race bike, not for touring.
  • The Century seems (as my GF says) perfect for a more relaxed and upright position.

For these saddles and the radical change of design in where it supports your body, I’d advise everyone to try them for a full week of riding, not just a 10K loop or 5 minutes on a turbo in a bike shop. With these saddles it’s imperative to find the sweet spot or it will not feel good at all.

If you’re in the UK, you can try these saddles from We’ve done it at home for all 3 models and you can use them for 7 days until you return them, or buy them.

Don’t judge only on the looks! It’s a bit weird I admit, but for many, it works very well. Just see how many are now used in triathlons everywhere and you’ll get the idea.

At the end of the day, it’s a totally different kind of support, so you have to give it time to adjust, but if it works for you, you won’t come back to your old ones.


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