Every Day Training Camp - Pre-camp

We’re on the eve of going away with Ellen to what should be an awesome week of riding, running and swimming in the sunshine of Lanzarote. However, there’s been a few little hicups in the way.


A month ago, I managed to get tonsillitis, which lingered on and on and on until I finally managed to get some antibiotics from my GP… Last Wednesday. Training has therefore been ridiculously minimal for the last 3 weeks…

Last week, Ellen found out that she’s got a stress fracture in her right foot, and is now walking around in an air cast. Not that this will discourage her from riding the hills on the volcano island!

And this morning I managed to crash heavily, all on my own, going to work, and my right ribs are now painful… Nothing is broken, I can still move, lift and do most things, but we’ll see tomorrow.

So instead of two healthy and strong athletes going for a week of proper training camp, we’re now two cripples going for rehab!

Hopefully we’ll manage to do a few of the activities planned. It seems that there’s some sunshine at least!

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